How do I know before buying which batteries are compatible to the PLENTICORE plus?
The PLENTICORE is a very versatile inverter and compatible to batteries of several companies like BYD, BMZ, LG Energy Solution, Pylontech, Axitec or Wintersun.
A document about released batteries for the PLENTICORE can be downloaded here.
Are there any features that sets the PLENTICORE apart from other hybrid inverters?
The PLENTICORE plus is a very established and reliable product. Of course, all the advantages of the first generation are present in the second generation as well such as the AutoUpdate, which can be activated with one click. So neither the installer nor the customer has to worry about outstanding features with implement. All software updates are installed automatically. The user just has to actively activate the AutoUpdate function once.
Also, we follow the “You pay what you get” philosophy. This means you don´t pay for functions you might never use, but still have the possibility to unlock the battery mode at a later time if you need it.
What sets our products apart as well is the usage of displays. We continuously received positive feedback since our display allow a quick glance at basic and important information. This is still the case with the 2nd generation and the ENECTOR. And we will continue to implement displays for the near future. Our PLENTICORE plus also has an integrated shade management system that optimises yields even in times of low sunlight.
Mr. Schmalenberg, thank you for your time.