Compare with new APP function: How much sun brings how much solar power yield?

Check the efficiency of your PV system with the brand new KOSTAL Solar APP tool, which compares insolation data with solar system yields achieved, and benefit from this analysis through clever system adjustments

A place where your building is located, where your PV system generates solar power, is not just a place. This place is loaded with information that influences the efficiency of your solar system.

Influences that you would like to know exactly. Influences you'd like to accurately assess. Influences that you would like to control to a large extent in order to achieve the best efficiency with your system.

Since the intensity of solar radiation is the all-important factor for the extraction and generation of solar power, important evaluation criteria come into play here: How high is the global radiation at this location, where your residential building is located or your commercial operation takes place?

KOSTAL has now created a tool with a new function in it's free KOSTAL Solar APP, as well as the KOSTAL Solar Portal, which compares the solar irradiation data with the system yield data at a glance and displays them in an overall view that can be easily recorded and evaluated. This makes it possible to directly check and make statements about the efficiency of the PV system, taking into account the solar intensity. Inverters and energy meters provide precise information about the yields of the system, while the weather pattern is collected by institutionalized local measurements and direct system measurements.

Example image of the yield/irradiation data curve

From summer 2022, this feature will be available as part of the KOSTAL Solar APP with a usage fee of €10 per year via the irradiation data.  

Be the first to use the feature and register now with your Kostal Solar Portal e-mail address.

As soon as the tool is available, you will be informed automatically by e-mail.